It took a few years
before a good and brave publisher, Newcon Press, dared to publish and offer to the public this amazing and (for some) outrageous book, but now it's out there and you'd better get one copy before the New Politically Correct Inquisition will ban it from existence and burn it into oblivium again.
This is what one of the many publishers who didn't dare to publish it had to say about this book:
teeth. What a rococo imagination you [Ian]and Roberto have got. Such is my
depravity, I romped through it with palsied fascination, wincing and
laughing. But as a publishing proposition it is, as you surely know, dauntingly difficult even for a publishing house with a taste for the
unusual. It is extraordinary, but not for us."
A few of the component stories have appeared in New Writings in the
Fantastic, Helix, Rudy Rucker's Flurb [Beloved Vampire of the Blood Comet, which you may read online as an appetizer], and one in Claude Lalumière's Lust
for Life anthology has been reprinted in the Mammoth Book of
Best New Erotica N. 7. Another story has appeared in the Mammoth Book of
Best New Erotica N. 9 but most of the stories are absolutely new to the public.
The Beloved of My Beloved
Ian Watson & Roberto Quaglia
Roberto Quaglia & Ian Watson
"A masterpiece of post-New
"Probably the most scandalous book of the past few generations" |